You own one more phone along with your favourite BlackBerry phone and addict with the features what BlackBerry Messenger offers but missing those chat features in the other phone having different platform such as Android, Symbian and iPhone. Cnectd Chat messenger application is the answer of all your problems.
Cnectd is a mobile messaging and social networking application for smartphones. Cnectd lets you chat across iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Symbian devices In addition Cnectd also allows you to find new friends nearby your area, share media with your contacts and more. Cnectd alerts users of new messages instantaneously ensuring that you're always Connected.
What it means to you - You will be able to have an IM conversation between a Blackberry user, an Android user, a Symbian and an iPhone user. Currently only BlackBerry users can have the BBM on their mobiles and it's very popular among users as it offers great features. Cnectd messenger application is attempting to make the normal IM experience as close to BBM as possible.
Check more about how it works from Cnectd is a cross platform application not just for messaging but also offers many other features what we see in BBM. It allows you to send text messages, have group chats, send pictures and your location to any of your contacts for free. The push notification messages feature in this application ensure that you'll never miss a message even when you're not in the application.
To begin using Cnectd you need to add contacts to begin chatting. You can add contacts by entering the user's Cnectd ID or by searching for users in your area. There is also an 'invite a Friend' function to get your friends to join Cnectd. Enjoy Cectd! The application works with Noka 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 Mini, X6, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5228 and 5530 XpresMusic. Download versin 2.0.0 of this application.

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