Mysterious Aura in the Museum of Witchcraft

Mysterious Aura in the Museum of Witchcraft, Surabaya, From the name alone is scary imagine this museum. Witchcraft name attached would make anyone shudder to hear it.

Not only that, also looks creepy impression of some objects in museum collections Indrapura Road, Surabaya, East Java, or approximately one kilometer north of this hero monument.

The place is known as the Museum of Witchcraft, this is actually a Museum of Health, Dr. Adhyatma-MOH. This place is also known by the public about the former Sex Hospital.

As the Museum of Health, natural objects collected a number of health both traditional and modern.

But unique, there are some traditional things in the museum which is known to have supernatural powers, such as dolls Jelangkung, jengglot, up doll Nini Towok, then x-rays of people who have a lot of needles in his body because of witchcraft.

Not only that, some objects like a dagger, a stone and confinement also appear to decorate the baby's museum was founded in 1990. Visitors entering the museum directly ni feel eerie impression. Because, once entered immediately greeted with a display doll Jelangkung.

As Masaryk widely known, is a game of dolls Jelangkung DiMaggio by spirits. Spirit caller will ask a question and dolls that have been possessed by spirits are going to write the answer.

Museum of Witchcraft in this region, known to have negative energy emitted is very dangerous. The most dangerous are the five points, so that entry into this area must be careful.

The information collected Legal, there are some events associated effects of the jet. Once upon a time a television journalist who can not get into the museum. Because, when I entered the room was always vomiting.

In fact, one consultant WHO (World Health Organization) were returned because of the insane. He stayed in the room for several days. There's even a need to die for too long stay in the room.

According to Prof. Dr. Haricot Soeprapto, co-founder of Museum of Witchcraft, the aura can be said that given the wave beam or Geo Pathogens. These waves, derived from crosses underground water which Bergman with stones.

"In the vicinity of the emission is indeed a lot occupied by spirits. Well, in the area of ​​the museum is very much at all," said the doctor who claimed to have examined the wave is both scientifically and non-scientific.

These waves can damage cells in the body. Whether it's cell in the brain and other body parts. Research has also been done some paranormal and medical experts from Medan and Surabaya.